In need of resume paper for your next job interview or career fair?
Stop by the Career Center in 220 Mitten Hall to get a free packet today! (Limit one packet per semester)
If you're attending a career fair, networking event, or have an in-person interview, you need printed copies of your resume! Having printed copies of your resume lets you to directly share your resume with recruiters, can help you show and reference your experience as you network, and can help you leave a lasting impression!
How much does it cost?
The Career Center offers free resume paper! You can get one packet per semester, and each packet has ten pieces of paper.
Is resume paper the same as regular paper?
Resume paper is a high-quality, heavier paper specifically designed for printing resumes and cover letters. The Career Center offers white or ivory paper.
The Career Center sells padfolios for $15. Padfolios are slim, lightweight folders designed to hold a notepad and your resume. It's a great way to stay organized at career fairs and events.
How much do padfolios cost?
Padfolios are $15 at the Career Center.
How can I pay for a padfolio?
The Career Center accepts credit card or Apple Pay!