Handshake is Temple’s one-stop online career management platform! Current Owls and alumni can log in to Handshake using your Accessnet (TUXXXXXX) Single Sign-On to:
Schedule appointments with the Career Center and professional development staff in your school or college
Schedule your Free LinkedIn headshot at the Career Center
Research organizations who actively recruit Temple talent
Search and apply for jobs and internships on- and off-campus
View and RSVP for on-campus & virtual events (career fairs, employer events, and career development)
Make the Most of Handshake
If you experience difficulty accessing Handshake, please call (215-204-7981) or email the University Career Center (careercenter@temple.edu) for help, and a Career Center representative will contact you.
Temple students continue to have access to school-specific job and internship portals for:
Connect with Temple University in Handshake. If you would like an invitation or have questions or concerns, please contact our Employer Partnerships team at (215) 204-7981.