Expectations of Employers

Temple University values relationships with employing organizations that follow the National Association of Colleges and Employers’ Principles for Professional Practice for Employment Professionals. When recruiting Temple talent, we expect you to: 

  • Practice reasonable, responsible, and transparent behavior 
  • Act without bias 
  • Ensure equitable access
  • Comply with laws
  • Protect student confidentiality  

Non-Discrimination Policy

The Career Center adheres to Temple University’s Equal Opportunity Compliance policies and will make our facilities, fairs, and platforms available only to recruiting organizations whose practices are consistent with this policy. 

Temple University's Commitment to a Safe, Harassment-Free Environment

Temple expects all members of the university community – students, faculty, staff, employers, mentors, and visitors – to pursue work and education in a safe environment, free from harassment based on protected characteristics, sexual misconduct, and interpersonal violence. All individuals must provide a space that is free of discrimination and sexual harassment. If you experience, see, or hear of behavior that violates this expectation, contact:


Title IX Coordinator, ADA Coordinator

Andrea Caporale Seiss, andrea.caporale@temple.edu

Temple University Career Center
