Build Your Personal Brand
Creating and maintaining a personal brand is a key piece to successful career development in the age of social media. A personal brand is an authentic portrayal of you – your values, passions, skills, knowledge, and personality – and can help to set you apart from others in your major and industry.
Social Media Etiquette Guidelines
While social media outlets can help expand your network and knowledge, they can also be detrimental when not used in the appropriate manner. While some channels may be considered for more personal use (e.g., Instagram), it is important to note that faculty, staff, and employers may search for you on these sites.
If you decide to participate in various forms of social media, it is essential that you always put your best foot forward! The following are some guidelines to ensure that your social media usage is helping—not hurting—you:
- Start by having a completed profile and uploading a recent photo. Schedule your free headshot on Handshake!
- Ask trusted managers, supervisors, professors, etc. for recommendations after connecting with them. It’s an easy way to manage sources for references and build your credibility.
- You can post a “What are you doing..?” status on LinkedIn like Facebook and Twitter as a way to inform business contacts of your professional accomplishments.
- There’s no limit to how much information you put on your LinkedIn profile. Give details about specific job descriptions, titles you have held, and your specific responsibilities.
Maximize Your LinkedIn
- Keep private conversations private. Do not use wall posts or comments to share personal stories, emotions, relationships, etc.
- Do not have yourself tagged in inappropriate pictures and do the same for your friends. Avoid tagging your friends in pictures that could get them in trouble (remember, once you post it, someone can always find it).
- Not everyone wants to be your ‘friend’. Some consider Facebook to be a strictly friendship-based networking site. If you are looking to build a professional rapport, consider approaching someone through LinkedIn or Twitter.
Maximize Your Facebook
- Follow and interact with companies you are interested in and people in the industry.
- Use searchable hashtags including those for your specific field.
- It’s a terrific way to learn about company culture.
Incorporating GenEds into Your Brand
GenEd is not just about well-roundedness, major exploration and civic participation. It also helps you build skills critical to career success. Be sure to use what you have learned and done in your GenEds to sell your skills and accomplishments to potential employers.
The National Association of Colleges and Employers surveys employers annually to learn what they want to see on resumes. These key GenEd competencies are among their top priorities year after year.